Play with dGFF

Change the number of modes \(m\) and \(n\), the higher \(m\) and \(n\) the more the dGFF has a flavour of a continuous GFF.

Mathematica Code:

The following Mathematica code simulate a discrete Gaussian Free Field.
It is the code that appears in Scott Sheffield's Gaussian Free Field for Mathematicians (see and it is based on sampling the discrete Fourier Modes of the dGFF.

Manipulate[ Show[ListPlot3D[ Re[Fourier[ Table[(InverseErf[2 Random[] - 1] + I InverseErf[2 Random[] - 1])* If[j + k == 2, 0, 1/Sqrt[(Sin[(j - 1)*Pi/m]^2 + Sin[(k - 1)*Pi/n]^2)]], {j, m}, {k, n}]]], ColorFunction -> "ValentineTones", LabelStyle -> {FontFamily -> "CMU Serif", 11, GrayLevel[0]}], Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> Large], {{m, 100}, 2, 500}, {{n, 100}, 2, 500}]

An instance of dGFF